PPT Survey of 420 ECD Centres


ecd-centre-660px420 Early Childhood  Development centres have been surveyed in underserviced communities in five municipalities in KZN (Vulamehlo, Umzumbe, Msinga, Umvoti and eThekwini).

There are 15,396 children in these under-resourced centres  (toddlers & babies). Most centres are not yet registered with the DSD and/or do not yet receive DSD grants.

Centres face a range of infrastructural challenges which, if addressed, can help unlock centre registration and inclusion in the current system of state support. PPT is currently planning for  for the delivery of infrastructural improvements at approximately 92 pilot sites.

Most centres are well-established and have the potential to improve. PPT is working closely with the KZN DSD and municipalities. Collaborating partner organisations include Ilifa Labantwana, Training and Resources in Early Childhood Development (TREE), UKZN, and Network Action Group (NAG).